Disadvantages of video games in education

Educational games can affect children mentally. For instance, children may want to play until they win or advance in the game. This determination can cause low self-esteem or aggressive behavior, especially if children keep losing at the game. Additionally, because these games can become so addicting, overuse can cause social isolation and poor social skills. It's important for your child to interact with the world around him and spend time with his friends and family.

Video games can help education in multiple ways, it can also negatively impact education and children in negative ways if not monitered properly. It's easy for children to feel addicted to computer and online games, and they will sit in a certain spot for hours on end playing them. This long-term use can result in neck aches, back aches, repetitive strain injuries, eyestrain, headaches, fatigue and mood swings. To avoid these physical symptoms, encourage children to take breaks from the game. Allow them to play the educational game for 30 minutes to an hour, but make sure they stay active as well, by playing outside or on a school sports team.
Mental Effects.
Educational games can also be a major time-waster, taking away from time that your child could spend studying, being active or participating in social events. Enforce rules with your child about gaming. Let him know that he needs to finish his homework or studying before playing any games, including educational games. Set time limits for playing educational games, to prevent him from wasting time. If a game requires children to "shoot" at objects or people, it may encourage violence. Your child may want to copy some of these behaviors with friends or family members. Before giving your child an educational game, investigate its content. If something within the game is objectionable, you can either prevent your child from playing it, or talk about the game beforehand. Let your child know that it's only fantasy, and that she shouldn't demonstrate these acts in real life.

A graphic scene that is shown in GTA V

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